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Asesoramiento del GAC

El GAC asesora a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN sobre temas de política toda vez que pudiera haber una interacción entre las políticas de la ICANN, distintas leyes, acuerdos internacionales y objetivos en materia de política pública. El asesoramiento del GAC es transmitido a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN mediante un comunicado o una carta formal.


Asesoramiento del GAC

N.° de referencia:


First Delivered via :



Consenso alcanzado



In addition to the advice previously communicated to the Board on June 17, 2012:

The GAC advises the Board

    • that it requires further clarification as to the status of its pending request for enhanced protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names at the top and second levels, in light of the Board's rejection of the GNSO's recommendations intended to refine the means of enhanced protection at the top level in April, 2012.


In addition to the advice previously communicated to the Board on June 17, 2012:

The GAC advises the Board

    • that it requires further clarification as to the status of its pending request for enhanced protections for the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names at the top and second levels, in light of the Board's rejection of the GNSO's recommendations intended to refine the means of enhanced protection at the top level in April, 2012.


GAC Acknowledgement of Register Entry

27 July 2012

Next Steps/Required Action

Due: 3 Auust 2012

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

The Board acknowledges receipt of the GAC advice in the Prague Communiqué and is mindful of the GAC letters on this topic of 11 May 2011 (https://gacweb.icann.org/download/attachments/18645054/20110512-GAC+Statement+on+IOC+and+Red+Cross+Movement.pdf) and 12 April 2012 (http://www.icann.org/en/news/correspondence/dryden-to-crocker-icann-board-12apr12-en).

We are committed to reaching a timely resolution. On 13 September 2012, the New gTLD Program Committee undertook a resolution on the IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names, citing the GAC advice on this issue and seeking input from the GNSO no later than 31 January 2012 on second-level protections. This will allow for second-level protections (if appropriate) to be in place for those gTLDs entering the root as part of the first round of the New gTLD Program. The Board is aware that it is necessary to provide a response to the GAC in time for subsequent processes to occur within the time allotted for new gTLD application evaluations.

The New gTLD Committee of the Board addressed the issue of IOC and Red Cross/Red Crescent names in the 'Progress Report on New gTLD Issues Raised in Prague.' The Board has also instructed the ICANN staff to review and report back on all contributions.